Saturday, Sep 14th, 10 am to 5.30 pm; Kavikko Mandram, Chennai – 4

The Chennai Queer LitFest was first organised on 7th July 2018 by Queer Chennai Chronicles to celebrate and bring together varied queer perspectives about literature from, and about India. The second edition of the annual Chennai Queer LitFest will take place on Saturday, Sep 14 at Kavikko Mandram from 10.00 am to 5.30 pm.
The aim of the Chennai Queer LitFest is to create a conversation about Queer Indian literature, Queerness in India and to bring together political and literary values of the works that play an important role in the lives of queer persons. This year’s LitFest topics of discussion will be on the following themes – Inclusive Children’s Literature, Art in Queer Literature, Translation and Queer Literature in Tamil and Malayalam. South Chennai Constituency Member of Parliament and poet Dr Thamizhachi Thangapandian will deliver the Keynote at the Chennai Queer LitFest 2019.
For more information on schedule and speakers, visit and
The Queer LitFest will close with an open-mic around the larger themes as possible as on Norms and Attraction.
For more information about the festival, write to or